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What to Expect working with us

An expert team

We are a team of financial professionals who have your best interests at heart

Businesses need access to real time information on how they are performing, not in a years’ time based on old information. Using Xero and add-ons Magic Beans provide this exact service. We want you to feel at ease and understand what’s next. We work quickly and efficiently – but we’re not robots. So, here’s a sense on how things go.

Step 1

Getting Started

Fill out our contact form or email us to let us know what’s on your mind and what accounting support you need. We will jump on a call or meet in person for a coffee and chat to get to know each other more.

We ask for more information about your business and your needs so we can provide you with a quote, an outline of the services we can provide and timeline estimates.

No sense wasting everyone’s time if these two don’t align.

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magic beans accountants belfast

Step 2


After our initial chat and meeting, if needed, Clare will send over our fee quote proposal, clearly outlining your monthly retainer fee and the services we have agreed to provide.

If you are happy and want to proceed it’s all systems go.

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accountant belfast magic beans

Step 3

Pre-checks and Engagement

Chats went well. Budget on par. Timeframes obtainable. Great. We’ll draft up our engagement letter and conduct straightforward anti-money laundering checks required of our profession.

This is where the specifics get more specific. Our agreement is thorough and legal jargon is simplified and explained where needed.

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Step 4


Let’s get going. Now is our chance to start your magical journey. We will send you our client set up form to complete, providing us with your tax reference numbers, bank information and payroll information (where appropriate). We will also discuss with you what KPI’s you would like reported, other than a profit and loss account.

Where you are not already using Xero, we will set up a new Xero account, converting any data held in SAGE, Quickbooks etc if appropriate. We will help integrate your bank account; providing you access to your Xero account so your journey into clarity begins.

magic beans accountant
magic beans accountants belfast

Step 5


We do more than just number crunch. We listen closely and understand your business and brand from the inside out. We will make sure we are crystal clear on your needs, goals, vision, and growth plans for the future. We’ll assess challenges and make sure we have what we need to provide meaningful management information for your business.

Magic Beans are here to help you have access to your finanical information, when you need it.

You can’t be all things to everyone. We are here to help manage your bookkeeping and finacnial reporting burden.

We’ll simplify your management accounts, report on what is important to you, and eliminate things that aren’t important in your growth plans… MAGIC

magic beans accountancy
magic beans accountants belfast

Our Tech

What to expect with Magic Beans and Xero

  • Clear Management Information
  • Forecasting / Cashflow
  • Departmental Financial Performance
  • Benchmarking
  • Performance vs Target Review
  • Financial Overview
  • Scenario Reporting
  • Clear Dashboard Reporting
  • View your accounts anywhere and anytime
Giving back

Every time someone does business with us, something great happens in the world.

Find out more

Want to learn more about our services?

Talk to Clare